July  Night Sky
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             Saturn                                  Eta Carina Nebula                                               Jupiter                                                Jewel Box                                          Omega Centauri                              Sombrero Galaxy
                                 Highlights for June -
All pictures photographed using the telescopes at Warrumbungle Observatory
              January                                       8:45pm*
               February:                                   8:45pm*
               March:                                       8:00pm*
               April 1 to 4:                                7:45pm*,   9:15pm*
               April 5 to 12:                             6:30pm,   8:00pm
               April 13 - June 5th:                    7:00pm
               June long Weekened 6th & 7th:   6:30pm & 8:00pm
               June 8th - July 11:                     6:30pm
               July 12th - September 30:          6:30pm
               October:                                    8:00pm* 
               November:                                 8:45pm*
               December                                  8:45pm*
* Daylight Saving Time
         Later shows available in school holidays, public holidays, or on request
             Times may vary if there is something special to see at a certain time.
                                  Times will be confirmed on Booking

                                                                           March 25

                                Night shows last approximately 90 minutes.

Bookings are essential as numbers are limited.
The show is cancelled if its raining.
Prices: Adults $20, Children (School Age) $10   Family 2A,2C $50.
Daytime: Adults $5, Child $5

Groups of 7 or more must prepay or make a deposit to secure places.
Refunds given on cancellation if notified before 3pm same day or if show is cancelled due to rain.

Phone 0488 425 112  or   email      [email protected]
Who Are We
Warrumbungle Observatory is an Observatory open to the public every clear night and operated by Peter Starr.

Peter  is an astronomer, a former Manager of Siding Spring Observatory,  and has studied extensively  in physics, astronomy, & chemistry. You are welcome to join Peter on a night of observing through  telescopes and learn the wonders of astronomy at Warrumbungle Observatory, Coonabarabran, the Astronomy Capital of Australia.
What do we offer you?
We have up to 6 telescopes you can view celestial objects from 1 light second to 50 million light years away;
View the  Moon, Planets, Stars, Nebulae, and Galaxies through our
New powerful 20 Inch Telescope

Smaller telescopes are also available 14, 11, 10, 8, & 4 inch.
We view from our observatory and also in the open air on a viewing platform where you can immerse                                                          yourself in the whole night sky and Milky Way.

Peter will give you an expert guide to the sky, teaching you in simple terms
                                                 - The motion of the stars and planets across the night sky     
                                                 - Point out constellations with a laser pointer
                                                 - Navigation
                                                 - Describe and observe the birth, lives and death of stars
                                                 - Astrophotography if you bring a Canon, Nikon*, Pentax* SLR camera
                                                 - How to get the most out of your home telescope (better still bring it along)
                                                 - Tips on purchasing your own telescope
                                                 - Answer all your astronomical questions.

We will also show you
                          Live video of the Moon, Jupiter & Saturn Planets projected from the telescope when visible,
                          Live images of galaxies tens of millions of light years away on moonless nights

Bring your Canon or Pentax SLR camera and try some astrophotography of Nebulae, Star Clusters and the Moon.
                                   Time will be dedicated in the last 30 minutes of the show.
* Nikon SLRs: you will need to bring a remote shutter release.
                    Please notify when booking if you wish to do some astrophotography so I can give you some tips before arrival.

Click here for photos taken by visitors.

If you have purchased a star for yourself or a loved one, we can show it to you in the telescope and take a photograph for you if it is visible the night you come.
At a minimum we need the coordinates of the star; RA, Dec, and whether it's J2000 or not.
The star catalog name would also be hellpful (e.g. HIP number) and its magnitude.

I can also take a professional photo  with a specialised astronical research camera and send it to you. Cost is $100 for the photo as a jpeg file.

What can be Seen in June
Night Time: 7:00pm
Planets:                            Saturn with its rings and Moons Titan, Rhea, Tethys, Venus (first week of July, Jupiter with is 4 moons Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto (first week of July)
Nebulae:                           Eta Carina Nebula, Lagoon Nebula Tarantula Nebula (First week of July) (all moonless nights only)
Planetary Nebulae:           Ghost of Jupiter, Blue Planetary Nebula
Open Clusters:                  Jewel Box, Butterfly, NGC 3114
Globular Clusters:             Omega Centauri,
Stars:                                Antares, Arcturus, Spica
Showcase Double Stars: Alpha Centauri, Alpha Crucis
Galaxies:                          Sombrero galaxy, Centaurus A  (moonless nights only)
Comets:                                                nil

Daytime Every sunny day between 9am and 2pm, bookings essential
Planets: Venus
Sun: Flares and Sunspots with a safe Hydrogen Alpha filter
Stars: Achernar, Canopus, Betelguese

What to Wear
Please dress warmly particularly in the winter months. Temperature of under 5 degrees is not uncommon at the time of viewing. So bring some gloves a warm jacket, and a beanie. Shoes are to be worn at all times during the year.

On cloudy nights a presentation is given on the Life and Death of Stars as well as viewing the sky with planetarium software while we wait for the stars and planets to reappear.
841 Timor Rd (some GPS systems as Tooraweenah Road or John Renshaw Parkway, don't confuse with Timor St)
Coonabarabran, NSW, 2357.

From Coonabarabran it is exactly 9.0km from the clock tower roundabout  in the main street of Coonabarabran.

From the clock tower roundabout  travel west and take the 2nd right turn into Namoi St then the third left turn into Eden St. Take this road out of town towards Siding Spring Observatory and the Warrumbungle National Park. We are on the left hand side 400m before and opposite the Warrumbungle Mountain Motel.

This road is a 100km/hr road so if you miss the driveway please proceed 2.5km to the Timor Rock picnic area and safely turn around. Please do not stop and reverse or pulll into nearby private driveways to turn around.

Travelling from The Warrumbungle National Park campgrounds you will find the observatory 14km from the Siding Spring Observatory turn off. The observatory is on the right hand side 400m after The Warrumbungle Mountain Motel.

Be mindful of kangaroos on all roads around Coonabarabran particularly closer and in the Warrumbungle National Park.
No accommodation is available at Warrumbungle Observatory however click here to see a list of Motels, caravan Parks, and camp sites
Siding Spring Observatory
- Exploratory  & Cafe
- Viewing Gallery of the Anglo Australian Telescope - Free
- Superb views of the Warrumbungle Mountains - Free
- Site Tours available in school Holidays

Crystal Kingdom - Free
- Mineral, crystal & fossil collections
- Gift shop
- Rosies beads

Warrumbungle National Park
Visitors Centre - Free
- Fanatastic bushwalks including The breadknife & Grand High Tops, Whitegum Lookout.
- Guided walks available in School Holidays

Pilliga Pottery - Free
Warrumbungle Visitors Centre - Free

Coonabarabran Golf Club
- 18 tees, 9 grass greens